Monday 14 October 2013

Evaluation of my final design

The decade that I have chosen is the 1970s and the theme is pretty nostalgic the style that was around at that time is called the hippie fashion ad in that fashion they often wore flared or baggy dresses and blouses which were mostly patched and had floral patterns designs. Some of the hippie garment was usually bright colored but some hippies also wore white t shits that were dip – died and had tassels attached to them. The hippie also wore a lot of peace signs and bows on their clothing, the hippie also wore shoes that mostly wore leather boots that reached their knee.       


The garment I have made is directly inspired from the hippies theme because it has a bow stitched on the side of it and also I have attached extra material on the dress that is made from a material that is viscose but it has some elastin mixed with it. The extra material has bold floral patterns on it and that material that I have attached to my dress is made from 100% viscose and I have also made a bow out of the same material. I have customized an old t - shirt by putting and lace o the collar of the t - shirt and that t shirt is made from fabric called cotton and the lace that I used was made from silk and net. I have painted the back of the dress with some floral designs that were directly inspired from the hippie theme and I have painted that by using fabric paint.  That garment matches my theme because in that time they wore dresses that reached the knee length and I have attached the extra garment so that my dress can reach the knee and also I have used that extra material because it has got bold floral designs on it within that patterns there are colures that match my theme. My dress also matches the hippie fashion because I have attached a t shirt in the dress and also I have painted some floral designs on the back of the dress. There are some techniques that I have used that I found quiet tricky was the adding an extra material that is because I had to gather the material again and attach the fabric by making sure that it is neat the other thing that I found so tricky was stitching the bow on to my dress that is because the bow didn’t settle in the place that I wanted it.


If I was to make this garment again I will choose more bright colures in that garment for example my dress was a calm green if make this dress again I will chose a more brighter green and also the extra material that I used to extend the dress had some dull colures like cream, maroon etc. the other thing that I would change is that I would include tassels instead of a plain netted lace on the t shirt because in that would give it that untidy hippie look. If I was making this garment again I would tie die the t shirt that I attached in the dress because the hippies tied died their t shirts a lot. I would also change the patterns that I did on the back I would make them a bit more hippie like if I included the peace signs on it I would also use more techniques like pocket and buttons.


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