Wednesday 29 January 2014

My personal photo-shoot plan

I will need:

Makeup and hair 

The model that I chose is friend that attends the same college as me, the model is called Andriana. I have chosen that model for my garment because she has the look that I wanted from her and also she has a friendly personality. The photographer that I have chosen is also a student at the Oldham College, she is called Laura Birbeck, and I’ve chosen that photographer because I’ve worked with her before in my last project. She’s a very good photographer and she’s also responsible and reliable.

Once I found the photographer and a model, I had to decide the location of the shoot, which suits me, the photographer and the model. The location of my photo-shoot is the Oldham college studio, the equipment that I will need for the photo-shoot is going to be provide by the Oldham College because Laura is going to book the camera and studio for the shoot.

The garment that’s going to be used on the photo-shoot is going to be used in the shoot will be provided by me, the garment is a short dress that above the knees and has long fabric at the back that trails behind it, and the accessories for the shoot will be provided by the model, The accessories that I need for the shoot are high heels that are gold or blue. The last thing that I have planned is the type of poses that will be used in the shoot. The types of poses that have planned are like serious but professional type poses that are done on the catwalks.